Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Today was a lazy day. I woke up at 10:30. We ate a late breakfast. About an hour later we ate lunch. Some sweet kabobs and rice. Then we went out to run some errands. Now for most of you this kind of thing is no big deal, but for a fella who has been cooped up in the hospital for over two weeks going to the store is an adventure. Riding on the roads of Cincinnati is like a bumpy roller coaster. Pot hole roads.... tornado alley -- We had a bunch of tornadoes rip through here this evening. The wind was blowing the trees sideways. My wind was burning the leaves. Not much other activity today (down below that is). Mom and Dad had to do the tube. My xray from this morning was clear. Hopefully I will have a good report tomorrow too! Thanks for all of your comments. I love to hear from my poop peeps.


Drama Queens said...

Yay for being out of the hospital! We are so happy you are out running the town! We will be praying for you to go home this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eli! I miss you here at the hospital but I am so glad you got out! Tell Mommy and Daddy I said hello. By the way, if you want to keep me updated after you go home for good, my email address is! Talk to you soon.