Sunday, June 8, 2008

There's no place like HOME!!!

We did it! We finally got out of Cincinnati Saturday morning and didn't stop until we got home. As soon as we turned onto our street, Eli started yelling "I see my home! I see my home!". I don't think we've ever been more excited to see our house before (except maybe when we finally got to move in!). Within a few minutes Silas and Cooper were there to greet us and we were all together again. Thank the good Lord for that! What a long three weeks that was. Eli was so happy all the way home in the car; he couldn't stop smiling for 4 hours. I (Shawna) was heavily drugged on some Vicodin, which made my back pain go away, but made me nauseous so I tried not to open my eyes or move much. So I unfortunately did not share in Eli's joy as much as I would have liked! I am doing much better today. I will probably go to the doctor this week to see if they can figure out what is going on with my back since this has happened alot in the last few months, although this was the worst by far.
It really feels good to be home. I don't think I ever want to be gone that long again- certainly not from my boys anyway. Thanks to everyone for the many cards, stickers, balloons, books, animals, and general happy stuff that you sent Eli. He was so happy to get mail and the nurses that would come in his room always commented that he must have a LOT of people love him when they saw all the cards and pictures taped all over his room. He really is an amazing child and had such an unbelievable attitude in spite of everything he went through. His sweet, usually happy disposition made the long hospital stay easier on me for sure.
Upon leaving, his doctor was still very optimistic about his prognosis, even though he hasn't pooped on his own since Tuesday. It is a little discouraging to still have to do the tube, but Dr. Levitt says that it's normal to still have to for maybe up to a month. Please keep praying that his colon will really kick in one of these days and never look back!! That's all for now. We'll keep you posted on the progress of poop...


Anonymous said...

YAY! Eli's home!!!!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he wasn't scared of Ronald! I would have been.

We're so happy you're home, too, and that you're feeling better!
